SCB Family Participation Goal: 100%
Financial Goal: $200,000
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School has a rich reputation of 65 years of academic excellence. Our community is blessed to have a Catholic School that is flourishing and growing providing an amazing opportunity to help form the minds and hearts of over 530 students each year.
Tuition alone does not cover all operating expenses in a typical school year. St. Charles depends on the Annual Fund to help bridge the gap between tuition revenue and the operating budget.
The consistent support of our school families, parishioners, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty, and friends allows SCB to continue our tradition of being a leader in Catholic education in Tacoma.
Gifts to the Annual Fund immediately serve our students and their growth in the current school year. Your gift supports every aspect of the school, including classroom resources, tuition assistance, faculty development, campus improvements, and extracurricular programs.