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"Serving Through Generosity" Excellence in Education Annual Fund
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Dear SCB Community, 

16 years ago, Samantha and I became members of the Saint Charles Borromeo Parish. In that time, we celebrated the birth of our three children Liam(8th) Genevieve(6th) and Cecilia (3rd), their Baptisms, First Communions, first days of school and this year we will experience our first 8th grade graduation.  It’s hard to believe how fast time goes, and looking back we have been blessed and are grateful for the parish and school staff, especially the school administration and the teachers who have gone above and beyond expectations time and time again to create and foster an extraordinary learning environment for every SCB student. Selflessly giving well beyond the call of duty is what “Serving Through Generosity” means to us and is the theme for the 2023-2024 Annual Fund Campaign. 

If you are like us, when we started at SCB, we perhaps naively believed that our tuition helped cover 100% of the school’s operating budget. As we began to get involved at the school, we quickly learned that in fact like many other schools and other nonprofit organizations SCB relies annually on fundraising to close the financial gap between the annual cost to educate a child at St. Charles (this year $10,985 per year) and our tuition (this year is between $6,985 - $9,725 depending on whether the family is paying in parish or out of parish).

The Annual Fund Campaign has been a fundamental building block for the SCB community for over 30 years and now it is Samantha and my pleasure to serve as Chairs for this critically important campaign. This year the Annual Fund will go directly into the school's operating budget which supports every aspect of the school including classroom resources and curriculum, faculty development and compensation, facilities investments, tuition assistance, and extracurricular programs and activities.  

The campaign goal for the community this year is $200,000 with 100% participation from SCB parents.  These funds are essential to the operation of the school and the support of many of our school families, in 2022-2023, St. Charles provided $150,000 in scholarships to 118 students.

Giving to the annual fund is a great opportunity to Serve Through Generosity. By donating we can honor the legacy of the families who have sacrificed in the past, recognize the needs of the current school families and pay it forward to the future families of the SCB community.  The Annual Fund ties our community together with the needed support to ensure the schools steadiness for future generations. 

With gratitude and thanks, we are asking each SCB family to consider a donation to the Annual fund. 


Joe & Samantha Toner 

2023 – 2024 Annual Fund Chairs

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